Simple home learning ideas

Now coronavirus has closed the schools, you’re probably wondering what to do with the children. You didn’t plan on home educating and where on earth do you start?! 

First things first, the fact they’ve asked you at least five questions before your eyes are even open, is evidence enough that children do naturally want to learn. Forget schedules and lesson plans, focus on facilitating them learning about what they are interested in. There is also much to be learned from simple activities around the home. Here is a list of ideas to get you started.


1. Writing letters 

This is especially great when so many of us will be in isolation and getting limited communication from others. Writing to family and friends or even care homes which currently aren’t allowing visitors. 

2. Cooking 

You’ve got to do it anyway, so take advantage of helping hands. Learning to follow recipes, prepare food and safely use kitchen equipment are valuable life skills and may get you out of cooking occasionally in future. 

3. Build a den

Everything is way more fun in a den. Eat in a den. Do a puzzle in a den. Read a book with a torch in a den. The possibilities are endless and perfect if you need a bit of time to yourself! 


4. Reading stories

 Depending on their age this activity can be extended to acting out the story, reading aloud, writing your own version or a different ending, copying pictures or drawing your own. These are great for improving confidence with public speaking, speech and language development, imagination as well being off the adorable chart. 

 5. Film a daily video log

Skills gained include using technology, talking confidently to camera, editing for older children. Added bonus is it’s an incentive for them to do something interesting each day so they have something to say.


6. Ask them what they want to learn about and get on YouTube!

Self explanatory but we all absorb more when it’s something we want to learn about and many children will do anything to sit in front of a screen, even if it’s educational.

7.Arts and crafts
Decorate old jars with tissue paper, make silhouettes from black card, set up a still life. Pinterest has some amazing ideas... but equally, don’t beat yourself up for not doing all of them perfectly. 

There is a list of free educational resources here put together by the home education community in the UK if you fancy something more formal. 

I’d love to know how you get on. Add your own ideas in the comments. 

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