This ten card reading covers where you are at the moment, what is in your way, a weakness you need to work on, a strength, recent past, near future, advice, something to let go of, hopes and fears and longer term outcome.
Readings can be given over voice message or video chat, usually within 48 hours - if urgent, please contact first to confirm availability. If over voice message, please pass on what you want the reading to focus on. This can be love, work, a general look at the month ahead etc. Video chat can be arranged most days and times and we can discuss what you want to focus on during the call.
No pregnancy predictions, health or legal-related advice, or outcomes.
DISCLAIMER: Readings are for entertainment purposes only, information provided during the reading shall not be used as a substitute for professional, financial, medical, psychiatric, or legal advice. You must be 18 and over to purchase. Every product/service I sell is subject to interpretation. My products/services are not meant in ANY way to replace the professional opinion/help of a DOCTOR, healthcare professional, lawyer, or anyone of authority. If you are experiencing any type of illness, it is your obligation to seek professional help. The law requires that tarot readings, and other items that fall into the realm of paranormal are to be sold for entertainment purposes only. I do not take responsibility for the actions, ideas or thoughts of any of my clients before, during, or after the use of any of my products/services.